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Category Archives: Beauty and Health & Lifestyle

Vitamins that help reduce acne problems

Acne reducing vitamins help reduce acne from within because acne is a problem that bothers many people. Acne occurs from hormones in the body and not taking care of the skin’s cleanliness. Oil that builds up on the skin during the day can cause acne

Preserving delicious and healthy avocado

Avocado is a fruit that is rich in vitamins and good fats that the body needs. It can be eaten by people of all ages. There are many varieties, but the most popular variety is the Hass Avocado, which is a good size. It has

Other ways to stimulate milk that new mothers should know!

Stimulate milk is a method that helps pregnant women have a sufficient amount of breast milk to feed their babies after birth, such as eating nutritious foods and pumping breast milk. The problem of low breast milk is something that many mothers are concern about.

Food sources that detoxify toxins.

Body has a built-in detoxification system. Your liver, kidneys, digestive tract, lungs, skin, and lymphatic system escort toxins and waste from your body every day. And the foods you eat can either enhance this process or make your detox organs work harder.  Foods rich in vitamins, minerals,

Healthy snacks, what should I choose to eat?

Snacks refer to food between meals, which is smaller in quantity than the main meal and is easy to eat. The size of the snacks is just right for one bite to increase energy and nutrients that are not sufficient from the main meal. It

Foods for Men increases sexual performance.

What many people often overlook because they understand that the food they eat is not important and is unlikely to have anything to do with sexual health problems. But in reality, good food is beneficial to the body and also helps to increase the strength

Preparation before and skin care after waxing.

Waxing is the process of pulling out hairs from the roots using warm beeswax or sugar, called wax. Hold it against the hair and place it on a cloth or wax paper. Wait until the wax is dry and pull it out quickly in one

How does ingrown hair (Keratosis Pilaris) occur?

Ingrown hair is a skin condition cause by clogg pores. It is often that the skin has dry skin and bumps on the pores. When rubbing the area, it will feel rough. It often occurs on the upper arms, thighs, and cheeks. Normally, it does

What are the benefits or properties of black tea?

Black Tea, is the name of a type of tea, not a tea strain. It is a type of tea that is process by drying young tea leaves in the sun to release water or through a water reduction process, making them semi-fresh, semi-dry, and then

Protein foods that are good for vegetarians.

In fact, all fruits and vegetables contain protein. Some types may have small quantities. However, some types have enough quantity to complement a vegetarian meal. Examples of ufabet protein-rich foods that are easily available and affordable are as follows: 1. Soybeans  It is a food that provides more protein than